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* Jungwirth, M., Angewandte Fischökologie an Fließgewässern. 2003: Facultas-Verlag.
* {{link_shop_cscf_fr}}: Zaugg, B., Stucki, P., Pedroli, JC., Kirchhofer, A. 2003: Fauna Helvetica – PISCES ATLAS. SEG, CSCF. <span style="background:yellow"> momentan noch doppelt</span> {{link_shop_cscf_fr}}: Fauna Helvetica, Pisces, Atlas.
* Kottelat, M., Freyhof, J. 2007: Handbook of European Freshwater Fishes
* Welcomme, RL. Inland Fisheries: 2001 Ecology and Management. FAO/ Blackwell Science.